How to Become a Wedding Photographer: A Women’s perspective

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Women Wedding photographer, female photographers

A Woman's Journey to Becoming a Wedding Photographer: Capturing Love, One Frame at a Time

In a world where love knows no boundaries, there exists a beautiful art – learning how to become an accomplished and sought after wedding photographer. The story of becoming a wedding photographer is a journey filled with passion, creativity, and the enchantment of lifelong love.

This story is for all the aspiring female photographers who dream of weaving their own tales through the lens.  Fulfilling the dream and vision in becoming a woman wedding photographer.  This is an adventure that will be filled with joy and emotion, full of reward and satisfaction.

So Let’s get started!

Women Photographers with a Love for Weddings: Discovering the Passion

Wedding photography, rings on roses

It all begins with a spark.  You’ve searched for your photographic niche and discovered a passion for wedding photography that ignites like a flame in your heart. You find yourself captivated by the emotions, the laughter, and the tears that fill a wedding day. For you female photographers, capturing those precious moments of love, joy, and commitment between two people on their special day is incredibly rewarding. There’s something enchanting about the way a bride’s eyes sparkle with happiness as the smiles & tears are exchanged between the couple. Become the storyteller with your camera, weaving together the narrative of their love story in each photograph.

Every wedding is unique, and you will cherish the opportunity to be part of such a significant moment in people’s lives.  It’s not just about clicking pictures; it’s about preserving moments that will be cherished for a lifetime.  Moments that touch hearts like none other.  The depth of emotions that a woman possesses makes you a natural to be a wedding photographer.

Now it is time to learn how to photograph a wedding from a woman’s perspective.

Wedding Photography Skills for Women: Learning the Craft

Wedding photographers in the desert hills

Photography - Mastering the basics:

 This passion should drive and inspire you.  Constantly improve on your skills and seek new ways to capture the beauty and emotions of weddings in a personal and heartfelt manner.  To transform your passion into a profession, you should become familiar with some things you will need to become proficient at.  You may already be familiar with the exposure triangle and composition.  (If that is the case, feel free to move on to the next  section of this post)

First things first, you’ll need to get a good understanding of the craft of photography and some of the more technical aspects.  We suggest going back to our posts: Beginner photography – 5 things to know and learn.    Then go on to learn about understanding composition, the art of storytelling through your lens.

Couples Poses:

Look to see how they are able to capture the raw emotions through the art of posing the couple.  By observing and studying couples poses from other wedding photographers,  you will learn to inject your style.  Bringing a new aspect and feel to every photo you take.  A really great place to practice your posing techniques is during your “save the date” session.  This is also a great time to get to know the Bride and Groom, and help them to trust you and your judgment, allowing them to relax in front of the camera.

Becoming familiar with how these elements dance together to create magic will give you a great running start in your photographic career.

Connect with Established Wedding Photographers:

Here are possibly the best ways to learn wedding photography…learn from the inside!

Reach out to established wedding photographers in your area.  Don’t be shy or timid…let them know you are an aspiring photographer and want to learn from the best.  Ask if you can come by and view their work.  Volunteer your services as an assistant.   This is an incredible learning experience! You will see how they operate, their techniques and such.  You will see first hand how to shoot a wedding from an expert!

Work as the Second Camera

Now that you have a little experience in the process from assisting, its time to volunteer as a second shooter.   Learning wedding photography as a second shooter is an exciting and important step in the journey. It’s like being the trusty sidekick to the main photographer, playing a crucial role in capturing those precious moments. As a second shooter you’ll have the chance to observe and learn from an experienced pro, which is an invaluable opportunity.

One of the first things you’ll notice is the fast-paced and unpredictable nature of weddings. It’s like a rollercoaster ride of emotions and events. Your main job is to support the lead photographer by capturing candid shots, details, and alternate angles. Don’t be shy to ask questions and seek feedback; this is your training ground, after all. Plus, it’s a fantastic chance to build your portfolio and make connections in the industry.

Remember, wedding photography is not just about taking pictures; it’s about storytelling. You’ll learn to anticipate moments, work with various lighting conditions and lighting techniques.   As a bonus, you will learn to adapt to ever changing situations quickly. It can be a bit overwhelming at times, but with dedication and practice, you’ll grow into a skilled wedding photographer in no time.

Defining Your Unique Style:

Wedding photography-grassy field

Wedding photography Tips: Discover your voice

Every photographer has a unique voice, a distinctive style that sets them apart. Explore your creativity, experiment with different techniques, and develop a signature style that speaks to your soul and resonates with your clients.

When it comes to capturing the most special moments of the bride and groom’s big day, bring your unique touch to their wedding photography. Always strive to make your photos not just beautiful, but also deeply personal and meaningful in a way that only your artistic voice can.

Wedding photography, true love kissYou should be immersed in the  belief that their love story deserves to shine through every image. Work closely to understand their personalities.  Talk to them about the journey they’ve taken together to get where they are now.  Fully embrace their vision for the day. This allows you to create a collection of photos that truly reflects the love and the essence of the wedding you’re about to shoot.  This will set you apart from every other photographer.  

Explore your unique artistic voice.

Being "photographic aware"

From candid shots that capture genuine emotions to carefully composed portraits that highlight the couple’s connection, let them understand that you will be there to document it all.

Here is where photographic awareness comes in. Pay very close attention to the little details, capture those stolen glances, and the heartfelt moments that make their wedding day special and unique.  Your ability to record the “little things” will secure your reputation as a great wedding photographer

Your goal as the photographer is to make them feel comfortable and relaxed in front of the camera.   That way the bride and groom can be themselves and let their love shine through in all your photos. 

Utilize Your Natural Strengths:

As a woman, you have a natural insight to recognize subtleties often overlooked.  Use your sense of emotion to capture the looks and  expressions of the moment.  Learn to realize that photography can be shot in “emotional 3D”.  This to your advantage when you are telling your story of these moments…it will show later in the photographs.

When you consult with the bride and groom, expand on how you believe that wedding photography is not just about taking pictures; it’s about telling a their love story in a way that’s genuine, heartfelt, and unforgettable.  This simple gesture will go a long way in gaining trust and respect for you and your abilities.

Essential Gear for Wedding Photographers

Equipping For Success

As an artist, you should look at your gear from an artistic point of view…the camera is your paintbrush, and lenses are your paint palette.  Now you’re ready to adorn your creations with shadows and highlites  by sprinkling in controlled light. These tools will allow you to create the art and visions that lives in your mind’s eye.  

Invest wisely in your gear – find the perfect camera, lenses, and accessories that suit your style and budget. Always keep in mind that the right tools can elevate your artistry.  Often beyond your initial visions of your abilities!

Here are some suggestions for equipment that many pros utilize.


Your camera is the heart of your gear. Consider a full frame DSLR or mirrorless camera. These cameras offer the photographer versatility and superior image quality to a cropped sensor camera.  Now add the ability to utilize difference lenses, you will be ready for just about any shooting situation. 

photographer upset and frustratedWithout sounding too harsh,  a lessor quality camera will only reduce your ability to deliver a high quality product to your client.   The added work required to repair sub-par photographs  will destroy your time & delivery expectations, ruining your profit margins.  

Always keep in mind that even with your artistic visions, and love of photography,  wedding photography is still a business.

Best Lens for Wedding Photography

Photographer lenses

Because every photographer has a different vision for shooting weddings, there is no “one lens” that is the perfect choice.  With that in mind, here are my choices when shooting a wedding.  

24-70mm f/2.8 zoom lens:

Versatility is always in high demand at a wedding shoot.  A quality lens like a 24-70mm f/2.8 can cover a wide range of scenes, from group shots to close-up portraits. And because it is a zoom lens, the built-in ability to go from tight to wide angles in seconds helps insure you don’t miss important shots!  

50mm f/1.4 Prime Lens

Next, I like having a prime lens like a 50mm f/1.4 or f/1.8 in my bag.  The control over the depth of field and speed of this type of lens makes getting those dreamy, blurred background shots a breeze.  It is these kind of shots that make the Bride and Groom look amazing.

Now, the ideal set up is to have 2 cameras with you at all times, allowing you to go from one lens to the other by just swapping cameras.  But this isn’t always an option for a new wedding photographer.  You can still effectively shoot a great wedding with just one camera.  A little practice with doing fast lens changes will be a great tool in your arsenal.

Shining Light On The Subject

Lighting is essential to set the mood.  Lighting can make or break a photo shoot, and in a wedding there are “no second chances”!   A great habit to get into until you are really good with mastering lighting is to do a dry rehearsal before your big shoot.  Practice with lighting similar to what you will have at the wedding, time of day, and available artificial light.  Pay close attention to the shadow angles,  the color of the light and such.  

A good external flash and diffuser can help you achieve natural-looking lighting in challenging conditions and even in daylight.   Combining this with reflectors, you can really control the lighting and enable you to set the mood for your shots.  

Lighting Professionally

Light stands and  tripods will aid in stability for off camera flash during long ceremonies or low-light receptions.

photography LightingAs your skills progress, as well as your budget, invest in professional, battery operated strobes, along with remote triggers for your camera and flash units.  Combine these with soft boxes, beauty lights, and other light diffusers, and you will have command of any lighting situation.   Researching  how to use off camera lighting, what  diffusers do, and when to use them will be a tremendous benefit to you.  With a little practice and sound advice, you will become the master of perfect lighting in a very short time!

With this equipment in your arsenal, you’ll be well-prepared to capture the magic of any wedding day! 

A Showcase of Your Work

Rings on a rose

The Wedding Photographer's Portfolio

So, imagine you’re a soon-to-be-wed couple, and you’re on the hunt for the perfect photographer to capture your big day. What’s the first thing you’d likely ask for? You guessed it – examples of their work! That’s where a portfolio comes in.

Your portfolio is your showcase, your canvas where you display your best work. Even if you’re just starting, collaborate with friends, or offer your services at a discount to build a compelling portfolio. Show the world your talent and style.

Tips to Build a Compelling Portfolio

Absolutely, here are some friendly tips for beginners looking to build a strong photo portfolio:

  1. Discover your strengths and style:

    • Develop your unique style. What makes your work stand out? Is it your use of color, composition, or storytelling? Let your personality shine through your photos.  Your prospective clients will gravitate toward your abilities.
  2. Practice, Practice, Practice:

    • The more you shoot, the better you get. So, practice regularly. Don’t wait for big assignments; take your camera wherever you go.
    • Enlist friends to help you!  Have a couple you know stage a “rehearsal wedding” with you.  Borrow or rent a wedding dress, and practice poses and refine your skills.
    • Experiment with different techniques, lighting conditions, and subjects. This helps you discover what you enjoy and what you excel at.
  3. Curate Your Best Work:

    • Be selective about what you include in your portfolio. Quality over quantity is key. It’s better to have a small selection of stunning photos than a large collection of mediocre ones.
    • Regularly review and update your portfolio as you capture new, better shots.
  4. Seek Constructive Feedback:

    • Don’t be afraid to share your work with others, especially more experienced photographers. They can provide valuable feedback to help you improve.
    • Join online photography communities or local photography clubs where you can share your work and learn from others.
  5. Tell a Story with Your Portfolio:

    • Your portfolio should have a cohesive narrative. Think of it as a visual story that takes viewers on a journey.
    • Organize your photos in a way that they flow naturally, creating a sense of unity and purpose.

Always keep moving forward.  Keep in mind that building a strong portfolio is a journey. It takes time and dedication, but the process itself can be incredibly rewarding. Embrace the learning process, stay curious, and keep pushing yourself to grow as a photographer. 

The Wedding Photographer's Portfolio - Your New Best Friend!

How to best utilize your portfolio to your promote yourself is a big deal!  It isn’t just a collection of your best work, it is your sales manager too!  As a woman, you have the natural ability to sincerely connect with the “bride to be” and her vision of the wedding.  Between the bonds you’ll establish and the strengths of your portfolio,  you’ll jumpstart your wedding photography business.  Just keep in mind the following:

  1. First Impressions Matter: Your portfolio is like your online first impression. It’s the place where potential clients get a taste of your style and skills. A strong portfolio grabs their attention right away.
  2. Show, Don’t Just Tell: Instead of just saying you’re a great photographer, your portfolio actually puts that on full display. It’s living – breathing visual proof of your talent. Clients can see your past work and decide if it aligns with their vision for their wedding.
  3. Builds Trust: A well-curated portfolio builds trust. Couples want to feel confident that you’ll capture their special moments beautifully. Seeing your past successful weddings in your portfolio can reassure them.
  4. Sets You Apart: In the world of wedding photography, competition can be fierce. A strong portfolio can set you apart from the crowd. It showcases your unique style and creativity, making you memorable.
  5. Inspires Ideas: Clients often look to your portfolio for inspiration. They might see a particular shot or style they love and want to replicate it in their own wedding. Your portfolio can be a source of creative ideas for them.
  6. Reflects Growth: As you gain more experience and improve your skills, your portfolio evolves. It’s a living showcase of your growth as a photographer. Clients appreciate seeing a photographer’s journey.  It is a cornerstone in building the bond betweenyou and your potential clients.
  7. Helps with Pricing: Your portfolio can also influence your pricing. If your work is top-notch and in high demand, you can justify charging higher rates. It’s a great tool to showcase your value.

So, there it is… Your portfolio isn’t just a collection of pretty pictures; it’s a powerful tool for attracting clients, building trust, and showing off your photography prowess. Keep it strong, and you’ll keep those wedding bells ringing!

Getting the Word Out

Marketing Tips for Wedding Photographers

In this fast paced, digital age, marketing is a crucial skill. Marketing in the wedding photography industry often relies on building strong relationships and trust your clients and businesses that you will be working with in promoting your business.

Having a powerful online presence – a captivating website and engaging social media profiles is almost as important as your photographic skills.  Be creative and find ways of using your social platforms to share your portfolio, and the stories behind your photos.  

Remember, the key to successful marketing as a wedding photographer is to build authentic connections with your audience. Be genuine, share your passion for photography, and let your personality shine through in all your marketing efforts.  

Read this section thoroughly… there are some real gems of advice that can give your wedding photography business the boost you’ve been looking for.


Create an Engaging Website:

Design a website that showcases your work and personality. Include a blog where you share behind-the-scenes stories, photography tips, and your journey as a photographer. This personal touch can really help you with connecting with potential clients

Put Social Media to Work for you:

Share your work on platforms like Instagram and Facebook. Share not only your best shots but also the moments and stories behind the photos. Engage with your followers by responding to comments and messages.  People will notice you as a real person, just not another post on social media!

Tell Love Stories:

Share the love stories of the couples you’ve worked with. Create blog posts or videos that highlight their journey and their special day. People love stories, and it can create an emotional connection.

Collaberate with the Professionals in your Genre:

Networking your business is critical!  Build relationships with wedding planners in your area. Get on a first name basis with Wedding Dress retailers, Tux rentals stores and such.  These business people often recommend photographers to their clients. Offer something in return, maybe collaborate on promotional photo shoots or provide them with wedding photos for their business to display.  

You can further engage with the wedding community by attending bridal fairs, networking events, and workshops related to the wedding industry.  Make connections with other vendors like florists, makeup artists, and venues.  This will also lead to referrals.

Another tool that can be used effectively is to talk with other wedding photographers you have met or worked with.   Let them know you are available for any overflow or jobs they have to turn down.  You can always offer them a finders fee or a small percentage in return.  Remember, you are in the building stages of your business…everything helps!

Reviews and Testimonials:

Encourage your past & present clients to leave reviews on platforms like Google, Yelp, or WeddingWire. Sharing these testimonials on your website and social media channels will rapidly get the work out about you.  Positive reviews and great testimonials will get you phone ringing and start filling in the dates on your scheduling calendar.

Use Email - It's a Great Marketing Tool:

Everyone you meet is either a potential client, or a referring partner.  Collect all the information about them as you can.  Social media accounts, and definitely their email accounts.  You will be pleasantly surprised at the snowball effect you’ll create.  You will have a pretty sizable data base of people very soon.  

Start writing a monthly newsletter where you share photography tips, new and current wedding trends, professional advice, and updates about your work. You can even empower some of your networking partners to collaborate too!  

Now start an email campaign using your newsletter as the focal point.   No hard selling or spamming, instead this should be informative and useful information for any “bride to be”.  Personalize your emails to make subscribers feel special.

Create a Sense of Urgency:

You can build inspiration and need by offering limited-time discounts or packages.  This is nothing new, photographers from every genre will do this from time to time.

Make sure to communicate the value they’ll receive in a personal way.  They will realize that what you are wanting to give them is only for a limited-time.  This will encourage them to commit with you sooner.   Nobody likes to have something they want taken away.

Stay Active in Your Community:

Getting involved in community events or charities will open a whole lot of doors for you and your wedding photography business. Be active and involved with local causes.  Sponsor causes or activities that will comfortably fit into your marketing budget,  like a community art show for example.  It doubles as a great outlet to show your work too!

Community involvement works so well because everyone woman knows someone that is getting married or planning a wedding.  Being a business woman deeply involved in your communtiy, and a familiar face around town will help people remember you when they’re in need of a wedding photographer.


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